
I have over 20 years of experience helping companies and executive teams in 11 different countries across many industries identify and implement cutting-edge technologies that rapidly and constantly change. 

Having been a DOER, BOSS, DECISON MAKER and BUSINESS OWNER; I believe we all have the capacity to be leaders that create amazing opportunities for ourselves and others. My goal is to take all that I have learned and help those starting their journey have the best possible launch by knowing now what I wish I had known then. 

I am a continuous learner with a bachelor's degree from Purdue University in Psychology and an MBA from the Budapest University of Economics and Technology. 

Advocating for students and education is a passion of mine. I have advocated alongside teachers, students and administrators to provide appropriate funding for schools and get bills passed in the state legislature that help ALL students succeed. Having worked in a large K-12 school district, in the international corporate arena, and as a business owner, I am looking forward to bringing these worlds closer together to empower young adults thrive in their transition to meaningful work.   


I have the best job a high school student could ever have; it is literally my job to question everything (why? what? how?) and then strategize how to help others answer the same questions I have about creating meaningful work opportunities. 

While getting the best education and going to school is my top priority, I also know the importance of finding balance in my life. I am an active community volunteer for causes that are important to me. Being able to participate in a variety of activities has given me the real-world experience that I value and need in order to make life's decisions.

I recognize that in the future, technology and AI are going to be important. And of course, I have taken the necessary steps to learn it strategically, tactically and ethically.  But technology is just a tool. We must still always look for ways to make a positive impact for humans! 

Boss Leaders have unique perspectives, leadership skills, and passions for positive change. I can't wait to meet you and see the impact an entire community of Boss Leaders can make.  

Our Mission

Inspire every young Boss Leader on the planet to fearlessly create opportunities and be the decision makers shaping the future of meaningful work

Why Boss Leaders Thrive Here

We ask our youth to make decisions about what they would like to be and do after graduation with little to no experience to base those decisions upon.  Some know exactly what they want to do and most have no idea, either way YBL is here to help them explore what meaningful work can be and how to best prepare for the rapid, ever- changing landscape they are about to step into. 

All Are Welcome 

At Young Boss Leaders, we are proactively inclusive across all perceived barriers. Everyone is welcome just as they are.

You Decide

We want to help you and your Boss Leaders identify what is success and then partner to make it become reality.  

Be at the Forefront

It is critical to understand future challenges and opportunities so they can be navigated with confidence and success. 


It's not good enough to deliver information. We want tangible results and work hard to find creative and practiced ways to do that.

Not Another Boring Lecture

We believe experiences that are interactive, thought driven and fun are the best way to engage and learn. 


We help your Boss Leader apply discussions and experiences to their personal situation and goals. Knowing what works for you is crucial.

Efficient and Clear

Each session is designed to deliver the maximum impact as efficiently and as user friendly as possible. Wasting time is a crime!

College or No College

College is only one path to success. We want to show you how to seek life-long opportunity and turn it into success regardless of which path you take. 

Have Fun Being in a Community

We want to be the place where you and your Boss Leaders can't wait to engage because it adds value and fun to their lives. 

Unlocking the World of AI Tools Shaping the Future of Work


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